How One Woman Built A Company That Makes Dreams Come True

One of the most widespread and important developments of the last five years has gone largely unrecognized: the rise of telehealth. It has quietly taken the world by storm precisely because it eradicates one of the most frustrating experiences of modern life, the routine medical appointment, at exactly the right moment. With the whole planet functionally grounded, and fear of catching or spreading Covid-19 still acute, telehealth has stepped into the void. So it was only a matter of time before people started identifying new and innovative uses for it.

Since 2014, when TIME Magazine declared “the trans tipping point,” transgender healthcare has become one of the most hotly debated and controversial subjects in American public discourse, filling the place once occupied by same-sex marriage as a big issue of the culture wars. While increased visibility has certainly had benefits in terms of more widespread acceptance and understanding, it has also amplified the anxiety around pursuing transition healthcare while highlighting how difficult it can be to obtain.


Celebrating the Women of Rockefeller Center on International Women’s Day


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