On Women in Leadership and International Women’s Day with Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Trailblazer Liz Elting

Happy International Women’s Day! I know it’s strange to say “happy” anything in this moment — particularly at such a complex time for women in American history — but we’re going to need that kind of defiantly celebratory energy to create the change we so desperately need. International Women’s Day has increasingly taken on a ra-ra atmosphere over the past few years — a forceful pushback against continued assaults on equality — energized by the #MeToo movement and fueled by a political atmosphere that demanded widespread activism. That energy and enthusiasm is more vital now than ever. The pandemic has had an outsize effect on women — and while I know we’re all beyond exhausted at this point — women have borne the brunt of the challenges created and exacerbated by the pandemic. There is much work to be done, and what is International Women’s Day if not an opportunity to reflect on that work and recommit ourselves to the future.


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